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Power Gel :: 24 pk/box :: Chocolate with Caffeine Offering is as of March 2004. Click through for current info, pricing, and availability.

Nutritional Supplements > Energizers > Item 20

Power Gel :: 24 pk/box :: Chocolate with Caffeine

Product Description Description PowerGel®? It's like this High-octane, supercharged fuel to blast you through the wall. PowerBar® PowerGel® is a concentrated, carbohydrate gel that delivers immediate energy for the endurance athlete. Twenty-eight grams of simple and complex carbohydrates give you the extra edge you need to blow through the last mile, the last lap, the last push. Plus every drop of PowerBar® PowerGel® also contains electrolytes. Think of it as a 110 calorie tail wind. Easy to dispense. Easy to consume. Easy to digest. So when mind over matter isn't cutting it, squeeze out PowerBar® PowerGel® for the fast blast of energy you need in an instant. Why use Power Bar Power Gels? Power Bar Power Gels provide you with: Carbohydrates. PowerBar® PowerGel® is formulated with a blend of simple and complex carbohydrates for quick and effective energy. Complex carbohydrates make up 80% of each PowerBar® PowerGel®, and simple carbohydrates make up the remaining 20%. Antioxidant Vitamins. Each package contains 15% DV antioxidant vitamins C & E to help combat free radicals produced during exercise. Electrolytes. PowerBar® PowerGel® also works great during intense exercise to help your body maintain hydration. Electrolytes are important in fluid regulation and neuromuscular functioning. When you sweat you lose water and electrolytes, so it's important in longer events to replace them. PowerGel® contains the . . . Legal Disclaimer These products and these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult a health care professional before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.
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