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PEPTIZYDE CAPS 90'S Offering is as of March 2004. Click through for current info, pricing, and availability.

Nutritional Supplements > Enzymes > Item 21


Safety Information Keep lid tightly closed. Keep out of reach of children. Product Description Peptizyde (pronounced "Pep-ta-zyde") is a combination of three different proteolytic enzymes isolated from plant sources. Each enzyme has a unique set of peptide bonds it prefers to break, so the combination of these enzymes allows much more efficient means of quickly and thoroughly breaking down (hydrolyzing) proteins to its smaller components. The enzymes in Peptizyde work only on food proteins, not carbohydrates, fats, or other compounds, and do not interfere with medications or other supplements (unless they are also proteins, which is extremely unlikely). Peptizyde may be used in combination with other enzyme products. Peptizyde supplements the "normal" hydrolysis of casein, gluten, and other food proteins such that the exorphin peptides are not produced because the specific cleavage pattern to produce these peptides is altered. Peptizyde is different from other enzyme products in that it contains only those enzymes needed for protein hydrolysis. No other enzymes have been added. This allows one to customize enzyme supplementation to their specific dietary needs. Another advantage to this approach is that less potential exists for intolerance reactions due to additional and perhaps unnecessary enzyme proteins. Also, by using only three enzyme blends in Peptizyde, larger amounts of each enzyme can be added per capsule, insuring that more hydrolysis of food protein can take place in the short time that food is in the stomach. Legal Disclaimer *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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