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Flaxseed - 2 cup Zipbag Offering is as of March 2004. Click through for current info, pricing, and availability.

Nutritional Supplements > Flaxseed > Item 89

Flaxseed - 2 cup Zipbag

Externally, the seeds or husks are soaked and made into a paste to relieve pain, heal wounds and soothe skin rashes. Flaxseed is a great base ingredient for eye pillows and microwavable neck wraps. Sprinkle on salads, in soups, yogurt, cereals, bread and other baked goods. The nutty taste of ground flaxseeds is pleasant, and can be mixed with water or any fruit or vegetable juice. Use a coffee grinder to grind the tiny seeds. Make a poultice and apply to skin. Use to speed healing, reduce pain and soothe rashes. The shell hull of the flaxseed has a higher concentration of lignans than any other food.
Safety Information Do not boil herbs because they will lose their volatile oils and much of their healing qualities. Product Description In ancient Rome and Greece, flax was a common ingredient in breads, as well as being known as a medicinal remedy. It was known as an excellent poultice, throat-soothing tea and as a mild laxative. Today, flaxseed is making a comeback because of its many benefits. It is rich in lignans, a class of highly researched phytochemicals that have been found to have anticancer, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Their greatest attribute is in the possible prevention of breast and colon cancers. Indications Anti-fungal Ingredients Flaxseed Directions A variety of uses include: potpourri, bath blends, herbal tea, infusions, simmering pots and more. Label offers other ideas.
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