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GenEdge hGH Releasing Complex Offering is as of March 2004. Click through for current info, pricing, and availability.

Nutritional Supplements > HGH > Item 9

GenEdge hGH Releasing Complex

Designed to enhance growth hormone and IGF production May increase muscle density and overall strength Reported to improve sleeping patterns Excellent for use with Maxteron, Equi-Bolan and DermaGAIN Free subscription to Anabolic Insider with your order ($29.99 Value!)
Product Description The good ol' days of using a weight gainer alone to build bulk are way past us now. Those caloriepacked protein shakes have their place in the bodybuilders medicine cabinet but if you want to make gains FAST, you've got to get your hands on the most advanced supplements and training techniques available! GenEdge is designed to enhance growth hormone and IGF production. Within 7-14 days you should start to feel the effects of GenEdge. Increased strength, more muscle density and better sleeping patterns are just a few of the effects you may encounter using GenEdge. With the release of the GenEdge you can get big results fast! 90 Capsules per Bottle
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