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Aromaland Juniper Essential Oil 1/3 oz. (10ml) Offering is as of March 2004. Click through for current info, pricing, and availability.

Nutritional Supplements > Juniper > Item 40

Aromaland Juniper Essential Oil 1/3 oz. (10ml)

Aroma:Peppery, turpentine-like, balsamic and warm, smoky, fresh and woody, reminiscent of evergreen oils. Aromatherapy Properties:Supportive, restoring, and a great nerve tonic. Cleans the atmosphere of the surroundings. Good oil for meditation. History:Popular ingredient in masculine, outdoor-type perfumes and after shaves. In Europe, Juniper Berries are known as a spice and are added when heating Sauerkraut and used for flavoring Wacholderschnaps, a brandy that is served to with digestion. Perfumery Note:Middle. Blends well with: Vetiver, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Cypress, Elemi, Pine, Clary sage, Lavender, Fennel, Grapefruit and other Citrus oils, Geranium, Rosemary.
Safety Information Avoid during pregnancy, with babies or acute urinary tract disease. GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) approved by the FDA as food flavor. Keep away from children. Dilute for use on skin. If you are pregnant or have medical problems, consult a doctor. Only use the gentlest oils at low doses with children. Skin patch test recommended. For external use only. Product Description This pure Juniper Berry Essential Oil (also known by its botanical name Juniperus communis) was carefully collected from wild growing plants and steam distilled in Croatia. Uses: Aroma blending and natural beauty & wellness products. Founded in 1986 AromaLand is known for its commitment to high, reliable quality, therapeutic grade Essential Oils and natural purity. Member of NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) and ISPA (International Spa Association). Directions How to use it: Use a few drops in a diffuser to freshen the aroma climate of your home. Sniff directly from the bottle to curb appetite. Add 10 drops of AromaLands Toning, Theratone, or Theraclear to 1 oz. of unscented body care to help with toning treatments. Or, add 6 drops of these therapeutic blends to 1 oz. of lotion or massage oil for a stimulating massage.
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