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Pau D'Arco Tea 16 Bags Offering is as of March 2004. Click through for current info, pricing, and availability.

Nutritional Supplements > Pau D' Arco > Item 91

Pau D'Arco Tea 16 Bags

16 Bags Serving Size: 1 Bag Servings Per Container: 16 Bags
Product Description Pau d'Arco has been used by shaman in Brazil for at least a thousand years. Its use gradually spread to other parts of South America and beyond. Kallawaya tribal healers of Bolivia and Brazil call this bark tea "tajibo." In Peru a tea made from the inner bark, known as "tarota," is used by tribal healers of the Ash?ninka, Campas and Inca tribes. Pau d'Arco tea is also used traditionally by the Huastec Mayan people of Mexico. Modern researchers have largely focused on isolated constituents of Pau d'Arco, particularly its naphthoquinones including lapachol and anthraquinones including tabebuin, though the combined action of all of its constituents in simple dosage forms like hot tea have proven superior to the actions of any isolated chemicals. Ingredients Pau d'Arco Bark Directions Pour 8 oz. of boiling water over one tea bag and steep, covered, for 10-15 minutes. For greater strength: Using a glass or enamel pot, simmer 4-5 tea bags in 1 quart of water for 15 minutes. The temperature of the water and the length of steeping time greatly influence the yield of beneficial components extracted from Pau d'Arco. Drink 1-3 cups daily.
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